• Question: Is it possible to be bitten by a radioactive spider and become Spider-Man?

    Asked by to James, Jennifer, Kim, Liam, Ricardo on 16 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Jennifer Stephens

      Jennifer Stephens answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      Hey gandalftheblack
      I think it’s unlikely, but better get your costume ready just in case.

    • Photo: Ricardo Ramirez

      Ricardo Ramirez answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      That is very unlikely. The closest you can get is a a GM. But even if the spider was able to introduce a “spider gene” in a human, it will very unlikely don’t work, as the spider-gene will need a spider-like organism to actually work. And it is more likely to be not a single gene, but a lot of them to give every single “power”…
