• Question: What to you, is the meaning of life?

    Asked by to James, Jennifer, Kim, Liam, Ricardo on 23 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Jennifer Stephens

      Jennifer Stephens answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Hi deacon
      this quote probably comes closest for me:
      “We are born and we die; and between these two most important events in our lives more or less time elapses which we have to waste somehow or other. In the end it does not seem to matter much whether we have done so in making money, or practicing law, or reading or playing, or in any other way, as long as we felt we were deriving a maximum of happiness out of our doings.”
      ― Clarence Darrow

    • Photo: James Taylor

      James Taylor answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Making yourself and those around you happy. If we achieve this, life is good for all.
